Hey beautiful people!
So I listened to Taylor Swift's new song 'Shake if off' properly for the first time today and I'd like to shamelessly admit that It's been on replay ever since. I even got annoyed when I couldn't find a download link for my phone before my mother ushered me into the car this morning. Let me tell you a little story that might explain to you why my obsession for this song isn't going anywhere. Believe it or not, I used to be a very anxious person; anything could have made me nervous from someone making fun of me to simply walking past people on the street. 15 years ago I moved from a rather large country in Africa called Nigeria. Although I do tend to lie to peculiar strangers on nights out. "Where you from?" "Libya" I say with a condescending smirk. None of them knew where that was and if I'm honest their confused faces were quite amusing.
Those humorous scenarios aside, throughout primary school I did not feel different from my peers at all, I was one of them and they pretty much accepted me even though I was the only foreign girl in my class. At this stage I felt Ireland was my home and often indulged in the Irish culture, learning the Irish language in school, playing traditional instruments such as the accordion and violin and entering several Irish competitions such as the Feis. Hell, I couldn't have been any more Irish. Until the year I advanced to secondary school when one girl decided to ask the teacher in the midst of religion class what I was doing here.